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Rebuilding Your Tourism Economy with Data-Driven Decisions

Data Release Webinar graphic showing data charts

Webinar Details

What to Expect

This free, 45 min presentation dives into the state of tourism with a look how 2020 affected tourism-reliant businesses and what insight you can gain to inform and accelerate your tourism economy in 2021. Our panelists discuss leveraging customer analytics and economic impact analyses to inform strategies for bolstering your tourism economy. This engaging webinar also features Q&A with experts from IMPLAN and Buxton.

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • How tourism is a driver of economic development in localities of all size
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic affected regions and industries associated with tourism in the past year
  • How to leverage data to empower your tourism recovery efforts
    • Identify target markets
    • Focus on greater impact programs
    • Attract new events or invest in established events

Watch today to learn more about maximizing the impact of the tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Webinar Duration: 45 minutes

Presented By

Devin Swindall

VP of Customer Operations


Robb Miller

VP of Public Sector Sales


Joe Demski

Content Strategist & Copywriter

Watch the Webinar


IMPLAN is a leading economic analytics company, specializing in providing data-driven insights for informed decision-making. Our advanced cloud-based software empowers organizations to assess the economic impact of events and policies, enabling smarter planning and resource allocation. With a track record of excellence and a commitment to accuracy, IMPLAN is the trusted choice for economic analysis.

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