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Exploring Occupation Data in IMPLAN

Data Release Webinar graphic showing data charts

Webinar Details



Occupation Data Details (Support Article)

Curious for details on our new Occupation Data? This article describes the methods and sources the IMPLAN Data Team uses to estimate occupation and core competency data.

Read the Article

What Can an LQ Do for You?

Location Quotients (LQ) compare the relative concentration in a specific area to the concentration in the U.S. Learn more about this datapoint in our support article.

Read the Article

What to Expect

Granular employment data has been added to the IMPLAN application. This free, 45-minute presentation introduces IMPLAN Occupation Data and demonstrates how users can leverage employment insights in their own projects. See the Occupation Data's capabilities inside of the IMPLAN application during a live site selection use case demonstration. After discussing the methodology and walking through the use case, the last 15 minutes of the presentation features Q&A with our hosts.

In addition to addressing attendee questions, this webinar covers:

  • What can be found in IMPLAN Occupation Data
  • Uses for IMPLAN Occupation Data
  • Occupation Data Methodology
  • A Hypothetical Business Site Selection Use Case Example

Watch the webinar to learn more about how IMPLAN Occupation Data provides greater insight into your economic impact studies.  

Webinar Duration: 45 minutes

Presented By

Maria Lucas

Education Services Manager


Mark Taylor

Support Economist and Data Development Specialist


Joe Demski

Content Marketing Writer


IMPLAN is a leading economic analytics company, specializing in providing data-driven insights for informed decision-making. Our advanced cloud-based software empowers organizations to assess the economic impact of events and policies, enabling smarter planning and resource allocation. With a track record of excellence and a commitment to accuracy, IMPLAN is the trusted choice for economic analysis.

About IMPLAN graphic showing data charts